France (Amilly)

© ville d'amilly

Photo : 1 2

Gérard Dupaty, the Mayor of Amilly, has implemented new architecture programmes to transform the public areas in the town centre, and to this end engaged Vincent Barré, a sculptor and former architect, to accompany the projects.

Gérard Dupaty calls the town "Amilly, ville des arts" (Amilly, town of art), and the urban planning programme is interpreted in this light. It is a commitment that also involves music. But more than anything, it is the project of one individual who is more concerned with the long-term than with immediate effects. The durability of his and Vincent Barré’s policy is intended to foster a greater sense of well-being in the physical spaces of urban life.
In the planning for Amilly, Vincent Barré’s contribution is that of an artist and an architect. His advisory capacity to the Mayor takes the form of an on-going dialogue, which was embarked on nearly a decade ago. The wide-ranging mission they have given themselves is based on the mutual recognition and friendship stemming from the way their characters resonate just as much as their common analysis and point of view. Such symbiosis is rare.
They started by analysing the town in its globality, its environment and relations with the neighbouring communities. Vincent Barré’s approach is always to re-make rather than to make afresh – there is no clean slate, no place is created ex nihilo. Their method creates rhythm, interaction, and ultimately determines the spatial affinities.
Following the initial phases of planning and project development, comes the additional responsibility for what might be termed urban arts direction: defining the facilities required, the buildings to be re-habilitated or built, the areas to be treated. At this point, the project managers are brought in, the architects, designers, landscape designers, engineers and artists who will make the ideas effective. Gradually, a team from all the creative disciplines is formed, not just prominent names but their shared and complementary methods and convictions.
The designers participating in the town planning project for Amilly are: Michel Euvé (urban planner and architect), Sylvain Dubuisson (architect and designer), Jean-Christophe Grosso (architect and engineer); the artists: Gregorio Cuartas, Wade Saunders, Christine O’Loughlin, Stéphanie Dachary, Lucie Chaumont, Pierre-Alexandre Rémy; the landscape designers: Mélanie Drevet, Michel Auduy, Giancarlo Fantilli, Aurore Dubuisson; the architect Bruno Gaudin; Les Simonnet, architects and sculptors. Sculptor Vincent Barré initiated and has accompanied the project throughout.



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