Etienne BOSSUT, Autour d'un abri jaune (1988). Carrefour Greuze Pressenssé, Villeurbanne (France)
France (Villeurbanne)

© art-public

Photo : 1 2 3

This work by Etienne Bossut « Autour d’un abri jaune » (Around a yellow Shelter), takes as it's model the shelters found in builder's yards. It's volume evokes the numerous small houses commonly found in Villeurbanne whose roofs are made up of two planes at an angle. This shelter is equally a symbol of the area's industrial era with its working-class culture. Bossut also lends importance to the plastic material with which he made his art work. It is a period reference to the 1950s which gave birth to numerous colourful and humorous innovatory objects. By using plastic, the artist borrows its potential humour and lightness. Plastic and oil-derived products generally, are represented by a blue barrel, placed to the right of the door or, to be more precise, it is in one of these 200 litre barrels that the resin used for the moulds was delivered.
In addition, the artist sought to express the idea of the roundabout and moreover, that of circulatory movement, by pivoting the artwork along an imaginary axis presented by the roof edge. The result is an upside-down house with the blue barrel lying strangely against the sky.

Public commission by the municipality of Villeurbanne
Co-financed by the Ministère de la Culture and the city of Villeurbanne

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