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Online Resource for information and documentation dedicated to public art

About us :
what is is a specialized online resource for information and documentation dedicated exclusively to art in the public arena. The original web site was launched in 1997 by Herve-Armand Bechy (Editor in Chief) and Richard Combet Joly (Web Developer). Its purpose: to create a vast European International online database on public art.

To achieve this goal, perfected a program to administrate documentation with an online user interface: the SIGAP (System of Information and Administration of Public Art). Information is stocked in a database structured around three index fields – artist, location and commissioning sponsors – which provide access to representative articles including practical description of artwork (artist, title, year, location…). This information is complemented by a collection of images. Each work of art is illustrated with up to six color photos; commentary is provided in several languages.

Through the SIGAP system, the database can be accessed via keywords. This makes it a valuable administrative tool for documentation as well as a practical resource for professionals, researchers and educators in the visual arts. It also features an educational function for computer-assisted preparation of conference materials.

The compilation of this European database on public art began with the input and digitization of information and documentation collected by Herve-Armand Bechy from the 1970’s to the 1990’s, through his work with the Association for Public Art Promotion. This initial collection already included approximately 5000 works of art and 2500 photos in 1997. Constant research and special reports on the cities and regions of Europe have contributed to the continued growth of the collection, which includes, as of 2004, more than 8000 works of art and 5500 photos. The expansion of this invaluable resource remains the number one priority of Our aim is to achieve thorough and global coverage of all of Europe.

Selected documentation is accessible in our online resource library through annual membership.

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Herve-Armand Bechy

Herve-Armand Bechy lives in Paris and has been professionally involved in the field of public art since 1976. His name and expertise are well known in Europe. .
He has written numerous articles on public art for professional magazines specializing in art, architecture, and urban design. In 1983, he launched his own magazine: “Les Dossiers de l’Art Public”, the first international magazine totally dedicated to the field of Public Art, which was published for several years. Over the years he has been invited to share his expertise in many
European countries and in the US.

In 1997, Herve-Armand Bechy founded the website an invaluable resource for information on public art projects and programs internationally.

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